Thursday 8 March 2012

Action Plan for March 5th

Action Plan
In this week I will be taking pictures for my magazine interview such as for my front cover as well as the interview stages.  Also I have arranged another photo shoot for the adverts which are also going to be added to my magazine this will be done over the weekend in order for me to place pictures I have taken in the next week.  During this week I will be constructing my magazine in order to help me out later on as I will then have fewer changes to be made.  I will also be creating dialogue which will be added to my interview process as well as throughout my whole magazine.  This will take a lot of time to do so by starting earlier will help me make more changes later on. 

Action Plan for March 1st

Action Plan
Due to starting our production work this week, my main aims and objective of this week is to find many templates of music magazines which will relate to my purpose of my print production which is an interview process with Jamal Edwards.   This means finding a variety of magazines looking at the first five pages of the magazine in order to give me an idea of how to structure my magazine due to being in the music genre.  I will start producing a draft of the front cover and the interview process from a very well known music magazine NME.  I will also be researching a number of grime and normal music magazines to help me construct my own magazine.